Has your workout routine become too monotonous and boring? Are you not getting the desired fitness results no matter how hard you train? Is time a barrier for you, and do you want to customize your fitness routine to get fitter without breaching those constraints? Whatever the case, circuit training is the way out for you. A circuit training program combines strength and cardio training to get you the desired results quicker, and you can easily squeeze it into your busy schedule. It lets you freshen up your fitness routine by adding interesting moves into your everyday workouts.
Circuit training refers to a series of time-restricted exercises that target various muscle groups. You cycle through the exercises in each circuit and have minimal rest in between. As a result, you get a taxing workout that challenges your muscle strength and endurance.
Circuit training is used for injury rehabilitation, sports conditioning, increasing strength, improving cardiovascular fitness, and even losing weight. In fact, it can help you with just about anything linked to health and fitness.
The constant change and quick pace of the workouts in a circuit training program put the body under a unique type of stress. It is completely different from routine exercises like cardiovascular conditioning and weight training and prepares the body all-around, conditioning the entire body and mind.
What makes it even more effective is that circuit training can be customized to your specific requirements, giving a more personalized fitness plan for every individual. Whether you are an elite athlete or just a beginner, you can get a modified circuit training program to achieve the best results possible.
Besides, the following are more reasons why circuit training can be an effective pick for everyone.
Whether you need a full-body workout, want to work out a specific body area, or intend to work on a specific aspect of your sport, circuit training can accommodate it all.
Your circuit training workouts can focus on strength, endurance, speed, agility, weight loss, skill development, or any other fitness aspect that may be important to you. So, again, the training program can always be tailored to get you exactly what you want.
You can fit circuit training into even the busiest of schedules. It is very time-efficient, and you don’t need to waste time between sets. It ensures you get the best results possible in a short time.
With circuit training, you burn more calories in a small amount of time. During post-workout recovery, your body needs more energy when you have done circuit training than during other regular workouts. As a result, you burn around 8% – 15% more calories.
Circuit training workouts that combine strength training and cardio moves won’t just blast calories but also help you build muscle.
However, it is important that you figure out exactly how you can set up an effective circuit training routine that will work for you.
It is a good idea to design a circuit training routine for yourself. The best workouts are usually the ones you create yourself. Here you have the step-by-step guide to help you get started with circuit training. With a little imagination, you can put together a workout routine that will bring results you have always dreamt of. Ensure that you properly warm up before trying any of these workouts below.
In circuit training, you have a certain number of “stations,” which you keep repeating until you run out of time. Therefore, depending on the amount of time you have, you can decide how many circuits you should be doing in your training session and how hard you’ll be pressing yourself. Ideally, you can spare 10-45 minutes for your circuit training workout. As you alternate the body parts you work with each move, you don’t need to rest between your exercises. For instance, your arms rest when you squat, and your legs take a break when you do push-ups.
You don’t need any expensive gym equipment for circuit training, and just a few body moves can do it for you. Whether you want to pick a different move involving your upper body in each round or repeat a single exercise every time, it is up to you.
The following upper-body exercises can be a part of your circuit training session comprising six circuits.
Similar to Step 2, now you need to choose exercises that will work all your lower body parts. Moves can be changed in each circuit, or you can repeat the same.
The following lower-body exercises can be a part of your circuit training session comprising 6 circuits.
You can get an excellent workout with weight training, but it is always a great idea to add some full-body movements to your circuit training program to elevate your heart rate.
The following compound exercises can be a part of your circuit training session comprising six circuits.
Cardio workouts can be effective in improving your cardiorespiratory fitness. Add your favorite cardio activity to your circuit training and perform a 1-minute burst.
The following cardio exercises can be a part of your circuit training session comprising six circuits.
That’s it! Let your heart rate settle down and repeat the circuit to get a complete workout.
You can perform this circuit individually or in a group based on your preferences. It should take only 10 minutes to complete. If you are a beginner, rest for 30-45 seconds between exercises and 3-5 minutes between complete circuits. If you’re at the intermediate level, rest for 20 seconds between exercises and 2-3 minutes between circuits. Don’t rest until you’ve completed a circuit if you’re at an advanced level.
Plan your custom circuit training workout or get started with this training routine and give a fresh perspective to your fitness efforts. Need some help? The experts at Next Level Fitness have the answers you are seeking. Get in touch today!